Hosting Apron

Who says an apron can’t be as pretty as a party dress?

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Size 1 (61-119 cm)

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Why You’ll Love It

For centuries, the apron has stayed the same. Until now. The cute-dress Hosting Apron redefines kitchen style, allowing you to prep, cook, and host without a quick change.

  • With a pleated back and high neckline, and extra-long neck and waist ties, it looks and fits like a dream
  • Machine-washable and dryable, so you can wash and wear again in no time
  • No more Googling with flour-coated fingertips thanks to a brilliant conversion cheat sheet built right into the pocket
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For Life’s Little Spills

Cook and clean with beautiful linens that are durable, breezy, and uber-absorbent.

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Unexpected Upgrades

Our spins on classic kitchen textiles include delightful upgrades behind every fold.

Introducing HouseWear™

A chef wearing a blue Hosting Apron serves a meal in a purple Always Pan

Kitchen Linens

Embrace all of life’s little spills with this collection of thoughtfully-designed kitchen linens and wearables.

Collage of Double Dish Towels and a chef wearing a blue Hosting Apron holding purple cookware