Full of Pride Mugs
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Full of Pride Mugs
Full of Pride Mug
A set of two mugs big enough for your favorite brunch beverage, a healthy heap of parfait, or scooping and serving fruits.
The Best Part of Brunch
Our favourite part of a meal is lingering around the table. We created these cards to spark fun and meaningful conversations with your chosen family.
The Families We Make
The legacy of chosen family dates back to the 1980s when LGBTQ+ communities connected through shared identity to show up for each other as friends and caregivers.
A Celebration of Chosen Family
We believe that Pride is all-year-round. After over a year apart, we created this collection to honor Queer gathering and reunion over brunch with chosen family.
“My pottery is uneven, smooth, freckled, chubby, and beautiful in all its diversity and uniqueness. I designed these mugs to celebrate that feeling of being together around the brunch table with chosen family, and I painted them with stripes that honor our community’s many unique identities and intersections.”
—Viviana Matsuda